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Timeless Stonehenge

It is hard to know what to say about Stonehenge that hasn't already been said a thousand times, or to take a photo that has not been taken millions of times (part of the challenge of travel photography). Yes, tourists are kept at a distance, yes, it has been repaired because of damage, yes, it is only one of dozens of "henges" that dot the landscape. What can I say? I love the place.

In my first visit, over a decade ago during the hottest summer on record in the UK, I was traveling by bus with a group of tired teenagers from an international school. We had spent days touring London, including shows and shopping trips as well as the Tower of London, Shakespeare's Globe, and The Eye. They were exhausted.

I was trying to drum up some enthusiasm in my English teacher way, telling them that these rocks were old and mysterious and they have inspired artists and writers for centuries. The young man in the seat next to mine looked at me and said, "Miss, I look out of my house and see the pyramids of Giza every day."

I had no answer.

My second trip, with my sister and a friend this past December, was even more memorable. The plain was so green is looked like Astroturf, the misty weather adding to the mystery. I took dozens of photos with my new iPhone 13. (What a marvel of engineering THAT is!)

Actually, you can get pretty close to the formation, and there are fun photo ideas and a great audio tour. Even though it's a long bus ride from -- well, from anywhere really -- it is well worth the trip.

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