Fall on the Farm
I was tempted to say that that Ray Allen is a future leader, but that is not true.
He is ALREADY a farmer, a leader, and an all-around amazing young man. His right now is bright, and his future is even brighter.
Taking portraits of someone you've known since babyhood brings a wide range of emotions -- pride mixed with nostalgia mixed with amazement at how fast time passes. I know his mother, my cousin Tammy, was thinking the same thing. When did this little boy become a man?
Ray Allen is a senior at Canyon High School in New Braunfels, Texas. He lives on land that has been in his family for generations, and drives a truck that belonged to his grandfather, my Uncle Kenneth, though he assured me he does not drive it to school!
I was so happy to be a part of Ray Allen's senior year, and I hope to take more portraits once the caps and gowns arrive in the spring.
